About Us

History NGOHS
1930 – Different college starts offering & administering graduate programs.
1987 – Creation of Office of Graduate & Continuing Education (OGCE) to coordinate graduate and continuing education programs
JUNE 22, 1995 – Creation and approval of UP Manila graduate school by the Board of Regeants (BOR)
APRIL 15, 1999 – National status of the graduate school approved by the Board of Regeants (BOR)-NGSHS
MAY 20, 2003 – NGSHS was transmogrified into NGOHS
MAY 20, 2003 – Office for continuing education placed under NGOHS
Our Mission
The National Graduate Office for the Health Sciences(NGOHS), in consonance with the goals of UP Manila in coordination with the different degree-granting units, shall strive to:
have strong academic programs that are relevant to the needs of the stakeholders and an excellent graduate faculty that can cultivate a culture of graduate aspirations and global competitiveness
be consultative and participatory in the review development and administration of benchmark articulated and non-articulated graduate programs
be facilitative and collaborative, locally and internationally. to foster the highest quality of trans-disciplinary programs fellowships of faculty development, advance graduate researches, exchange programs. sharing resources, and infrastructure developments
Riding high on the crest of academic excellence, the UP Manila NGOHS shall continue to pursue growth points responsive to the demands for excellence and leadership in the health science professions with the ardent synergistic strengths of humanities, arts, and social sciences. It envisions to create a ripple effect as it expands its globally competitive role in teaching, research, extension, and production of technology that can improve the quality of life.
The overarching goals or tasks that guide the National Graduate Office for the Health Sciences are the following:
provide leadership, direction, guidance and assistance to the different degree-granting units (DGUs)
formulate, disseminate and monitor adherence to general graduate policies and procedures in various aspects of the implementation of the graduate programs
set, monitor, evaluate, and maintain the quality and standards of graduate programs implemented by the DGUs
assist DGUs in the marketing of graduate programs and generation of resources
provide mechanisms for financial and other forms of assistance to graduate students and faculty, and for optimal use of resources committed for graduate programs
provide mechanisms for the establishment of linkages with other local and international academic and research institutions
generate resources/seek additional funding for efficient graduate program operations
conduct research/foster environment for research



Database Records and Management System

Office of the Continuing Education

Department of Science and Technology

Transnational Education (TNE)