Application Guidelines


The Guidelines for Conducting Non-Degree Continuing Education Activities is formulated mainly for the following specific aims;

  • Identify and tap/utilize experts of the University in strengthening UPM’s extension and continuing education services

  • Improve marketing potentials of the postgraduate courses

  • Resource-generation purposes


For the purpose of these guidelines, a definition of terms is hereby adopted as the operational definition of non-degree continuing education courses at scope.

2.1 Non-Degree Continuing Education Activities are referred to as, but not limited to, non-degree courses/programs/activities at the post graduate level offered by any department/unit/college of UP Manila which use, directly or indirectly, the name UP Manila, its facilities, and faculty.

2.2 Non-Degree Continuing Education Activities can be any or a combination of the following:

  • refresher courses

  • workshop

  • technical lecture

  • seminars

  • other training courses and program development



3.1 All constituent units of UP Manila offering non-degree continuing education activities shall submit a proposal two months before the activity to the Office of the Chancellor (OC) through the UP Manila Office o the Continuing Education (UPM-OCE) under the National Graduate Office for the Health Sciences (UPM-OCE Form #1). The proposal must include the following data for review and documentation purposes:

Initial Requirements:

  • Course description (the objective and rationale), topic outline

  • Department/committee/faculty-in-charge

  • Number of target participants

  • Registration fee per participant

  • Timetable of activities

  • Program and Speakers

For the non-degree continuing education activities of the UPCM-PGH, proposals to be submitted must be duly endorsed by the Training Coordinator (TCC) and shall be monitored by the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine (PGIM).

The proposal should pass through the College OCE Coordinator, endorsed by the Dean and will then be forwarded by the OCE to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OVCAA) for classification and proper endorsement and then to the OC for appropriate action (approval/recommendation) of the Chancellor. The latter would then return the proposal (with the appropriate classification/endorsement/comments) back to the unit.


3.2 Classification of Non-Degree Continuing Education Activities Based on Proposal

  • Class A – activities which are considered income generating. Expected source of income will mainly come from registration fee or the equivalent fee charged to the participants of the activity or program.

  • Class B – activities which are non-income generating. It includes activities or courses that do not charge registration fees.


  • Non-degree continuing education activities categorized as Class A must properly be guided by the PAYMENT PROCEDURES stipulated in this guidelines
  • Non-degree continuing education activities categorized as Class B can proceed with the implementation of the activities as scheduled, subject to the University rules and regulations, as may be required during actual activity/program.

4.1 Payment Procedures

a. A two percent (2%) administrative overhead fee shall be deducted from the gross income from registration of non-degree continuing education courses with a ceiling of TWENTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php 20,000.00) for gross proceeds of ONE MILLION PESOS (Php 1,000,000.00) and above. The UPMOCE should be provided with a copy of the receipt for proper monitoring upon submission of the Post–Activity Report (OCE Form #2)


b. All Payments incurred from conducting non-degree education courses shall be remitted through the UP Manila Cash Office or Unit Foundation/s i.e. UP Manila Development Foundation (UPMDF). Subject to existing University rules and regulations, proponent units can facilitate the collection of payment/registration provided that they will be using official receipts duly issued by the UP Manila Cash Office or unit foundation i.e. UP Manila Development Foundation (UPMDF).


c. For units without foundations the remaining ninety eight percent (98%) of the collection (gross income) shall be credited to the Unit’s Trust Fund Account. If the unit has no existing trust fund account yet, it may request for a new account code to accommodate the collected money from conducting non-degree continuing education courses.


d. All collections from administrative overhead charge shall be pooled at the Office of the Chancellor’s Level and will be deposited at the UP Manila Revolving Fund.


4.2 Request for Cash Advance


a. During the submission of the proposal, the proponent unit should submit the budget for the activity to include the dates of release of funds. (With the assumption that the proposal is approved, the proponent unit can start requesting for cash advance a month before the start of the activity.)

b. For the birthing of weeks/s-long or non-degree continuing education activities, a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the requested cash advance can be granted to the proponent unit for the payment of expenditures. The unit can also include the payment for the honoraria of one shot lectures/speaker in the request. For the birthing of month/s-long or long term non-degree continuing education activities, request for payment of honoraria for the lectures/speakers is recommended to be separate from the cash advance.


c. The proponent unit can be granted the whole amount of their requested cash advance for the regular non-degree continuing education activities, provided that the requested amount does not exceed the remaining deposit balance in the trust fund account of the proponent/requesting unit.


4.3 Honoraria for faculty Members/ Lecturers

The unit may assign the rate of honoraria for faculty members/lecturers provided that it will conform to the existing policy and regulation of the University. In giving honoraria, the unit must be guided by the following:

  • Non-UP employees are subject to ten percent (10%) withholding tax. If the non-UP employee lecturer/faculty member is a retiree, he/she is exempted from the 10% tax provided that the Unit can furnish the Accounting Office with a copy of his/her Senior Citizen’s Card.

  • UP Faculty/employee/ in-house lecturers are subject to withholding tax rating of 20-35% depending on their annual gross income. Approximate tax credits will be given to the lecturers/faculty members.

4.4 Uses of Funds

Pursuant to the Minutes of the 1147th Meeting of the Board of Regents held last 21 December 2001, the administrative overhead charges collected from conducting postgraduate courses shall be used for the following purposes:

a. to help shoulder maintenance, and other operating expenses of the University;

b. to provide assistance to academic programs, such as the acquisition of equipment, supplies and

materials in support of such programs;

c. to help upgrade teaching and other library resources;

d. to improve the marketing strategies/potentials for the postgraduate courses in the University,

e. to disseminate information regarding experts/expertise of the proponent; and

f. to market experts/training modules through publication, inclusion in web sites, and other UP System-based media.


a. In meritorious cases, subject to the existing university rules and regulations, the UPM Chancellor may waive the administrative charges upon the request of the unit.


b. The unit should submit to the Office of the Chancellor an accomplished report within a month after the last day of conducting the non-degree continuing education activity. The Unit should provide the UPMOCE with a copy of the report.


c. The unit should submit the list of regular non-degree continuing education activities scheduled for one calendar year at the start of the Academic Year.